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"You don't need to be healed, you don't need to be fixed, all you need is to take a deep breath and allow yourself to truly be who you are in this moment.“


Old Me

I could never get accustomed to the '"standard way" of school, studies, work, etc. I always had a great desire to see the world, to feel real life, and to discover new things. With my first big trip to Australia right after graduation, I followed my inner voice. During my trip and many others that followed, I realized more and more: It's not so much about discovering the world out there, but my own inner world of feelings, thoughts, and behavior patterns - to recognize, understand and grasp these.


New places, situations, and people outside have definitely helped me with this inner self-exploration and transformation. Unknown paths and challenges always take us out of our comfort zone, into the realm of being where true growth can take place. After various travels through Australia, New Zealand, California, India, and van trips through Europe, I knew I could continue this journey without changing places.


In essence what was really behind this constant traveling and searching: was to see and feel my soul in its purity, which is always there, which will never change, even though everything around me is constantly changing. Ever since I can remember, depth has accompanied me in my thought processes, in life questions, and in relationships. It took me courage and strength to make all these "different" decisions in comparison to my classmates, society, and the norm - but I am very grateful I did.


From the age of 16 until 27, I was consistently in two long relationships–5 years each. A time in which big life changes took place and inner processes during teenage time are triggered. To be absolutely honest, I was very focused on my partners in these relationships - becoming dependent, subordinate, and losing myself. During these relationships, my inner voice pulsed in me "Sophie you need time alone" "Go, dare" - the travels I took alone during such impulses were always my invitations to get closer to my truth, my soul, my essence. Especially my first trip to India where I deepened my spiritual journey, did my first yoga teacher training, and learned so much about myself, and the world supported that.


New Me

During my last journey through Europe in 2021 with my then boyfriend, I needed a little time out on my own and did some volunteering in Barcelona, with the intention to continue traveling through Europe 2 weeks later together. This plan never worked out, our paths parted and we ended the relationship. There I was, without a home, without a plan, with my packed things in a foreign city that welcomed me so warmly. It was clear to me that I was not going back to Germany and so I just stayed in Barcelona, completely unplanned, absolutely in the flow with the universe. Looking back, it was the best thing that could have happened, because since then I am in pure confidence about the universe and the ups and downs of life. Life always happens for you, never against you. And everything is an invitation for you to grow and explore new horizons - all it takes is trust and surrender.


I started in Barcelona with no job, no friends, no home - nothing. But by believing in my visions, by letting go of anything that limited me (beliefs, people, things…) I was able to manifest a beautiful life for myself. Of course, awareness of all my inner processes was required to live in harmony and abundance from the inside out. This 'work' is and was worth it every day.

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I deeply believe that everything is possible. You can achieve anything, you can be anything - you just have to believe it, and you have to see and feel your vision every day.


What it takes, in my opinion, is true self-realization. Only when we know ourselves and understand where we come from, when we look at our past, and know and understand our childhood, our relationships, our triggers, and traumas - we are able to transform them, we are able to break old cycles. This is the first step to a new reality, to self-responsibility, self-empowerment, and self-efficacy. Everything is already within us, we can expand beyond into infinity and merge with the deep purpose of our souls - but of course, stay grounded and anchored in the material world. It requires balance.


Since I myself have gone through this whole process and keep on doing, I would love to accompany you on this path of constant death and rebirth. Because we are all sensitive beings who realize that life is more, that life goes deeper, and that this moment is all that is truly real.


Awareness in body, mind, and energy creates awareness of life, of the presence, the now, and the interconnection of everything and everyone. The key to change is always in this moment. By being present we gift ourselves the present of being the conscious creators of our lives, unfolding our full power and potential.


Do you dare to look deep within? So you can expand fully with no limitations on the outside. Are you ready to break repetitive patterns and toxic cycles to step into your true and timeless being? Can you let go of egoistic needs and expectations by being selfless and by fully opening your heart? Your soul deserves it to be seen. Leave your prints, live your true essence, and radiate the powerful light of your being.


You don't need to be healed, you don't need to be fixed, all you need is to take a deep breath and allow yourself to truly be who you are in this moment. 

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